Hidden Disabilities Sunflower

National Highways image

On the road with National Highways and the Sunflower
Older Drivers forum webpage

HDS POSTS-04The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower indicates that you have a non-visible disability and that you may need help, support or just a little more time.

On the road with National Highways and the Sunflower

We’ve teamed up with National Highways, who manage England’s motorways and major A-roads, to create a free Sunflower for your vehicle. This Sunflower discreetly indicates that you, or someone in your vehicle has an impairment and may need additional support. In many ways someone’s impairment is always invisible when they’re in a vehicle. So, anyone with an impairment, hidden or visible, can display the Sunflower on their vehicle.

Traffic officers will ask you what type of support you require, and they will be kind and patient.

Call to action

To claim your free Sunflower car sticker or magnet head to the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower website



Click Here for : The Sunflower Conversations podcast – Older Drivers Forum

A national forum made up of a group of organisations that support the older motorist to drive safely for longer. They welcome drivers via their website to be informed and be kept up to date with the latest motoring advice.

Aiming to reduce the number of deaths on the road, they offer superb advice to the older motorist. Their most recent campaign covered eyesight, renewing your licence, dementia, dash cams, electric vehicles and more.

We hear about Driver Refresher courses, which are highly recommended to brush up on skills, build confidence and Driving Mobility refreshers for people that have medical conditions.

Organisations discussed in this podcast:

Hosted by Chantal Boyle, Hidden Disabilities Sunflower.
